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Ten ways to appreciate your Pastor

Meaghan May | Oct. 18, 2016

Pastors and their families are people too—and like any Christian, they benefit from a little bit of encouragement and TLC.

In fact, the apostle Paul tells us be intentional in encouraging and respecting our church leaders.

“We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.”  – 1 Thessalonians 5 v 12-13

October is Pastor Appreciation Month—and it’s a helpful opportunity for churches to express love and gratitude for the leaders who strive to nurture their congregation through the best, worst, and most mundane of life’s seasons. Ministry is hard work, even in the best of circumstances, so consider how you can encourage your pastor in the weeks ahead. We are sharing ten ways you can bless and refresh your pastor this month:

1. Feed his family

Food often tastes better when someone else makes it! Offer to organize a meal to be brought to their home. You could do this once, every evening for a week, every Saturday, or anytime really. This thoughtful gesture saves the family money and time, but it also lets them know that you care.

2. Babysit

Face time between spouses can be hard to find, and affordable sitters who will still look you in the eye after caring for your kids are even more precious! Serve your pastor’s marriage by giving him and his wife a chance to go out and have an entire conversation without interruptions.

3. Gift cards

Who wouldn’t appreciate gift cards to a favorite restaurant or coffee shop? I have known congregations who have showered their pastoral staff with gift cards that lasted all year long. Whenever the recipient used them, they were reminded that their members have cared for and supported them.

4. Tickets

Tickets to a sporting event, symphony, garden show, play, rodeo, or movie theater could be a meaningful gift that goes a long way in making your pastor feel known and appreciated.

5. Host a card shower

Encourage members to send your pastor greeting cards which express their gratitude for specific ways he’s served them during the year—this will encourage your pastor that he has not labored in vain! This could easily be adapted into a texting initiative where a different person sends a special message to the pastor every hour or every day recognizing significant ways that the pastor has impacted their faith journey.

6. Pray

Have individuals, ministry groups, and families sign up to pray for your pastor or pastoral staff every day of the week, month, or on special days. Let them know that you are praying. And the benefit will run both ways—God can use this intentional time to grow your love for your pastor as you pray for him.

7. Honor your Pastor with a party

Host a special banquet, potluck or picnic. The ways to make such an event memorable are endless. You could have a guest speaker, include a worship service, highlight significant moments in the life of the church under the pastor’s leadership, call for a time of prayer, plan a “This is Your Life” skit, present him with a plaque or special gift—really let your creativity shine. Every member of the congregation benefits from remembering the work that God does in and through their church. Why not let such a gathering encourage everyone involved?

8. Plant a tree or shrub

A small but lasting gift that will let the staff know that they are appreciated and significant to the life of the church body.

9. Create an original

Decorate the pastor’s office with a picture of the church, the congregation, a landmark in the community—or artwork depicting a special illustration or story used by the pastor. One pastor has bookmarks made by kids in the congregation in almost every book that he owns! This hand-made gift will be a kind reminder to your pastor that he serves God alongside the body of Christ.

10. Invest in his library

Most pastors love a good book. Find something that will nourish him with God’s word and encourage him to serve for the long haul.

**SPECIAL OFFER** Buy Zeal without Burnout by Christopher Ash for your pastor for only $9.99, or get 10 copies for the whole ministry team for just $50. R Albert Mohler Jr recommends: “Books like this are a needed resource for the weary pastor. Christopher Ash draws on years of personal experience and rich biblical wisdom to provide ministers with a tremendously encouraging resource to persevere and thrive in the ministry. This is a book all pastors need to read and take to heart for the sake of their church and for the sake of the fruitfulness of their ministry.”

Meaghan May

Meaghan is the US Office Manager at The Good Book Company. She is married to Paul and has 4 lovely children.

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