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Raising Bible-Friendly Kids

Mike Nappa | March 22, 2022

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).

An endless array of choices peeks over the shelf’s edge. Which book will Tony choose for his bedtime story tonight? Clifford the Big Red Dog? Goodnight Moon (for the hundredth time!)?

After a moment, his delightfully chunky fingers close on a thick volume. "David and Goliath!" he says excitedly, bringing a toddler’s story-Bible over. Already a seed of love for God’s word is being planted and watered in Tony’s three-year-old heart.

As parents, we have an awesome opportunity to share the wealth of the Bible with treasured children like Tony. But how do we encourage a genuine desire for Scripture in our kids? Read on for four tips to encourage your child to love the Bible at a young age.

1. Raise readers

A child who rarely experiences the wonder of the written word is less likely to get excited about reading the Bible than one who loves to read. So… go ahead and make reading (anything!) a normal part of your preschooler’s life.

  • Clutter her room with picture books
  • Make the library a regular stop each week
  • Let him enjoy appropriate Sunday comics with you
  • Plan “family reading time” in the evenings, when everyone gathers for a read-aloud adventure
  • Find kid-friendly treasures to bring home from used bookstores and garage sales
  • Generally welcome books as part of daily life in your home

Do all you can to encourage the habit of reading in your toddler, and you’ve taken one giant step toward opening that child’s heart to the Bible.

2. Take advantage of preschool Bible resources

Good news! When it comes to raising Bible-friendly kids, you don’t have to work alone. We can all use the words of expert storytellers and the pictures of imaginative artists to relate the stories of Scripture to our toddlers in fun, child-friendly, age-appropriate ways.

For instance, Sarah and André Parker’s Seek and Find: New Testament Bible Stories is an excellent choice for preschoolers. This book’s fun illustrations and interactive style make it easy to capture a child’s attention with the good news of God’s word. Likewise, Mikal Keefer’s Notes From Jesus: What Your New Best Friend Wants You to Know is an intensely creative, visually interesting way to help your young one discover the Bible and Jesus’ love for us. 

Other preschool-friendly Bible storybooks are:

3. Model the value and joy of the Scriptures

We can’t inspire a love for God’s word in our children if we don’t have that love ourselves. Your child will know you value the Bible when he sees you reading it, hears you talking about it and watches you act on what you’ve shared.

Your toddler will also imitate your attitude toward the Bible. If you approach your Bible-reading as a chore rather than a privilege, your child probably will too. On the other hand, if your four-year-old notices excitement and enthusiasm in your personal devotions, she’ll pick that up as well. So live out what you want your child to know: God’s word is exciting, meaningful—and life-changing (2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12). 

When this happens, the Bible becomes a familiar friend in your precious child’s life.

4. Rely on the Holy Spirit

Only God can spark the eternal flame of love for his word in the hearts of his children. Pray for God’s Spirit to… 

  • Warm your toddler’s heart to the Scripture
  • Use you to expose your toddler to the joy of the Bible
  • Plant the seed of truth in your child’s life

Then, when God urges your preschooler to come to you (for the hundredth time) shouting, "David and Goliath!", be ready to read.

Welcome to BibleWorld

Welcome to BibleWorld

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This search-and-find activity book will help kids get to know the Bible in a fun and engaging way.

Mike Nappa

Mike Nappa is an award-winning children’s author, and best-selling creator of many books for families. His highlight reel includes several VeggieTales comics, the Bibleman Bible Storybook and the Gold Medallion-nominated Family Nights Tool Chest series.

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