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Showing posts in 'Children's Discipleship'

Let the Bible Teach the Gospel to Kids

Carl Laferton | March 17, 2022

The gospel is simple enough for anyone to understand. It is also deep enough to spend a lifetime appreciating, and an eternity praising God for. And, when teaching the gospel to kids—whether it’s around your family’s table or in a kids Sunday school class or at VBS or anywhere else—perhaps the best way is to let the Bible do it.... continue reading

Introducing Sunday School Lessons to Accompany our Bestselling Kids Book

Avery Powers | March 15, 2022

The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross suite has a brand new addition! This collection of resources, based on the bestselling storybook, is a favorite for kids and their families—and it’s a great way of teaching children why the gospel is the best news ever.... continue reading

God’s Rules vs. God’s Freedom

Chris Morphew | March 3, 2022

We usually think of freedom as the opposite of following rules—but God says that true freedom comes from letting him rule and guide us.

Which, at first, might seem kind of upside down.

But when you think about it, we already get that this is true in plenty of other parts of our lives.... continue reading

What’s The First Thing You Do When You Get Up In The Morning?

Chris Morphew | March 1, 2022

What’s the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?

I’m guessing many of you would answer, Check my phone. It’s an easy habit to fall into. But it’s also a terrible way to start your day.... continue reading

Teaching Kids’ Sunday School Effectively

Bethany McIlrath | Feb. 24, 2022

As churches have reopened since the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, many are reassessing which activities to resurrect and which to drop, especially in kids’ ministry. For many, this is a time to restart afresh. Teachers and volunteers have a chance to ask “How do I teach Sunday school effectively?” instead of the usual question, “What are we doing next?”... continue reading

Leading Children into a Wider, Deeper Love of Jesus

Barbara Reaoch | Feb. 15, 2022

“Jesus loves me, this I know.” It’s a sweet sound when words about Jesus come by heart to even the youngest child. Simple truths like these help kids start to see the beauty of the gospel.... continue reading

Q and A with Trillia Newbell: How Do We Address Favoritism with Kids?

Bethany McIlrath | Jan. 29, 2022

One boy was left on the carpet. Everyone else had been picked for a team game by a friend, but he was left all alone. He didn’t lift his eyes when the kid’s ministry worker assigned him to a team and reminded the other kids to “be kind.” My heart hurt for the little guy.... continue reading

I’m Dreaming of a Thankful Christmas

Ed Drew | Nov. 23, 2021

Every family does Christmas differently. My wife’s family would open their presents at the kitchen table, each opening one gift at a time with a few words of surprise and comment from others. I found it a bit intense (and the moment her mom held up her new knickers will live with me forever). We grew up with all of us opening our presents at the same time. It worked for us. Until the wrapping-paper blizzard. In that moment, it felt like my family were ripping through each present without gratitude or any sense that someone had generously given it to them.... continue reading

Hidden Details in Seek and Find: New Testament Bible Stories

Andre Parker | Nov. 10, 2021

When illustrating the Seek and Find series, as well as the 450-plus things to find, count and sort, it's always fun to add a few little biblical details to each spread. Here are a few hidden things to look out for in our newest volume, Seek and Find New Testament Bible Stories:... continue reading

The eyes that saw: Day 1 of 'The Adventure of Christmas'

Ed Drew | Oct. 26, 2021

Read Day 1 of The Adventure of Christmas, a new family devotional for Advent from Ed Drew, Founder of Faith in Kids. These simple 10-minute family devotions, with graphic-novel-style illustrations, explore the Gospel accounts of the first Christmas in an engaging way, and will help families keep Christ at the heart of their celebrations.... continue reading

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