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5 things to pray for the EU referendum

Rachel Jones | June 21, 2016

The UK is days away from a momentous political decision—on Thursday, the British public will vote on whether or not to remain a member of the European Union. Many people have found it difficult to know which way to vote. There are so many arguments, counter-arguments and claims, that many people are bewildered by the complexity of it all. Christians stand on both sides of the debate.

But God’s Word has not left any of us struggling to know what to pray for. And those who aren’t voting on Thursday still have the privilege of praying—and praying earnestly—for the referendum.

Christians should pray—and pray earnestly—for Thursday’s EU referendum.

In 1 Peter 2 v 16-17 the apostle gives Christians five quick-fire instructions—all of which make great prayer requests for our brothers and sisters in the UK as the referendum approaches. Why not print this list out and pray these things over the next couple of days? Or use it to guide your prayers at home group?

“Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honour the emperor.”

Heavenly Father, as the referendum to leave the European Union approaches, please help Christians in the UK to…

1. “Live as God’s slave.”

Pray that Christians would use their vote as “God’s slaves”—not seeking what they want, but what our heavenly master wants. Ask God for humble, prayerful attitudes to Thursday’s vote—and ask for his wisdom as Christians search their motives and make a decision. Much of the debate has been about “what is best for Britain”. But a Christian will want to vote for what serves others and the gospel best.

2. “Show proper respect to everyone.”

Thank God for the privilege of a democratic process which allows everyone to participate. Pray for dialogue over the next few days that shows respect for everyone, whatever their views. Pray that proper respect would be shown by news agencies, by politicians—and especially by Christ’s ambassadors.

3. “Love the family of believers.”

Thank God that there is a community more important and more permanent than nations or political unions—a family of believers that will last forever. Pray for the church in the UK—that their love and unity in the gospel would always supersede any differences in political opinion between brothers and sisters. Pray that Christ’s people around the world would rejoice and grow together as "a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession”, as we seek to “declare the praises of him who called [us] out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2 v 9).

4. “Fear God.”

Praise our Almighty Creator that he is completely and utterly sovereign. Thank God that this means none of us need to fear economic meltdown, Islamic terrorism, nuclear war or out-of-control-immigration. Ask God to give UK Christians a reverent awe of his power that eclipses any anxiety about the future.

5. “Honour the emperor.”

It looks like Thursday’s vote will be close—so for many voters, the outcome will not be what they want. Pray that Christians would honor the governing authorities—be they in Brussels or Westminster—whatever the outcome of the referendum. Pray that Christians would honor the government in the way they think about it, talk about it and pray for it. Pray now that those whom God has put in authority would rule wisely and well.

Helpful? Get more prayer ideas just like this in 5 things to pray for your church and 5 things to pray for the people you love.

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Rachel Jones

Rachel Jones is the author of A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, Really), Is This It? and several books in the award-winning Five Things to Pray series, and serves as Vice President (Editorial) at The Good Book Company. She helps teach kids at her church, King's Church Chessington, in Surrey, UK.

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