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Help to Walk Alongside Those Grieving the Loss of a Child

Emily Robertson | Oct. 1, 2024

In the hardest of circumstances, it can be difficult to know how to come alongside those who are grieving a miscarriage or the loss of an older child. Every situation is different, but our Lord Jesus is the same  - and he has a special, tender nearness to the broken-hearted. So how do we share that compassion in ways that are helpful to those that are hurting the most? 

We’ve compiled a list of encouraging and truth-filled quotes from books written to help those who have experienced the sorrow of miscarriage or child loss.

Quotes from Held by Abbey Wedgeworth

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“As alone as you may have felt when you discovered the loss of your child, and however or wherever your baby left your body, you were not unseen by God in those moments. Nothing is hidden from God: not your baby, not your sorrow, not the untellable details of your trauma; not the events of your life, nor the course of your future.”

“Jesus did not experience pregnancy loss. But because he is God, he does know exactly what you are going through; and because he lived as a man, he knows what it is to suffer.”

“Dear sister, even as your questions abound, cling to what you know—to what God has revealed: his Son, his character, his commands, and his ways. Let all of your ‘whys’ lead you to the good ‘who.’”

“I’ve learned to talk to Jesus. He knows all about death. He wept over it. He experienced it. He conquered it. He promises to free me from it. Who is better able to understand, to care, and to heal than him?”

“Our gains will never undo our losses, but both serve to point us to the One who chose to lose everything in order for us to gain more than we could ever imagine.”

“The story of your life and the story of your family are being written by the Author of all of history. As mysterious as the details may seem now, the conclusion is beautiful and sure.”

Quotes from Ours by Eric M Schumacher

“Jesus, who cared so much about our suffering that he entered it and then rose from the dead, offers you endless comfort in his presence.”

“It’s right to mourn the loss of children. That isn’t how God made the world to be. And that pain may linger throughout the rest of our lives, coming and going in waves. But the day is coming when pain will cease entirely.”

“I don’t know what lies ahead for you, friend. (I don’t know that for myself.) But whether rejoicing or mourning, I pray you will look to Jesus in all things. The risen Savior holds out his scarred hands as proof that he’s been where you are and came through on the other side. He’s got this. Even better, he’s got you.”

Quotes from Near to the Broken-Hearted by Dan & Anna Martin (with Chris Mouring)

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“The Lord Jesus, the Shepherd who is near to the brokenhearted, experienced terrible emotional and spiritual darkness. He gave his life—why? So that darkness and death would not be the final landing place for his people, but life and laughter would be instead.”

“The journey through death is awful and tear-filled. But Jesus enables us to cry mixed tears: tears of bitter loss, tears of hope and confidence in his care to carry us tomorrow and the next day, tears of longing joy and tears of gratitude.”

“Our Lord doesn’t promise universal healing here and now, but he does promise sufficient grace for every step of the journey home. In Jesus, there really is a way to live with inconsolable longing in the warm and steady sunshine of hope.”

“No one should be asking you to dismiss your pain, to act like it’s not as bad as it is, or to suppress it. Actually, we’re more able to feel and bear the full weight of it because we are anchored in the knowledge that this age of weeping is passing away. We can accept the heaviness of it because we know we won’t have to carry it for ever.”

Emily Robertson

Emily specialises in email marketing at TGBC, where she works on product launches, promotions, and brand campaigns. Emily lives in Chessington, South West London, with her husband Dave, and their 2 lively daughters. Emily studied English Literature at Cambridge University before joining TGBC marketing team.

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