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Showing posts in 'Excerpts from Books'

The True Story of Amy Carmichael, A Missionary Who Shared Christ’s Love with Hundreds of Women and Children in Asia

Hunter Beless | June 8, 2023

The following text is the full biography featured in the back of our new children’s book exploring the inspirational story of Amy Carmichael’s life. It is part of our Do Great Things for God series, a collection of beautifully illustrated biographies written to excite young children about the great things they can do for God.... continue reading

The True Story of Maria Fearing, a Missionary Who Shared Christ’s Love With Children in Africa

K.A. Ellis | June 6, 2023

The following text is the full biography featured in the back of our new children’s book exploring the inspirational story of Maria Fearing’s life. It is part of our Do Great Things for God series, a collection of beautifully illustrated biographies written to excite young children about the great things they can do for God.... continue reading

“Whatever Is Lovely”: Why It Is Important to Think About Beautiful Things

Carolyn Lacey | June 1, 2023

God has made a world full of beauty, and while it is true that parts of it have been spoiled by sin, there is so much beauty that remains if we will take the time to look for it. The problem is, we often don’t. It is easier to focus on the negative—what went wrong in our day, what someone said that was unkind, a difficult relationship; disappointments, discouragements and regrets.... continue reading

Use Your Words Wisely

Carolyn Lacey | May 30, 2023

The first step in cultivating wise speech is by prayer. We also know that the best way of becoming wise is to saturate ourselves in God’s word. However, some practical tips can also help. What about in our moment-by-moment interactions? How can we train ourselves to say the right thing when difficult conversations take us by surprise? Or when we disagree with something a friend or co-worker says? ... continue reading

To Be a Man Means... What, Exactly?

Matt Fuller | May 23, 2023

“To be a man means...” No, really. Try to finish the sentence before you read any further. Don’t feel awkward if you’re uncertain what to say—most people struggle. It’s actually pretty difficult, isn’t it?... continue reading

Talking To Our Children about Gender and Gender Identity

Ed Drew | May 18, 2023

A friend of mine recently preached on gender. He found that all the parents wanted their teenagers in the sermons. When it comes to gender, we know that things have moved fast and we need help.... continue reading

Count Yourself Calm: Look Inside and Learn the Story Behind the Book

Bethany McIlrath | May 2, 2023

Beautifully illustrated and empathetically written, Count Yourself Calm walks children through a calming activity that focuses their attention on God and helps them to manage their emotions. Read on to learn the story behind this unique resource and to peek inside.... continue reading

The Church Isn’t Like a Family, It is a Family

Barnabas Piper | April 29, 2023

One of the kindest things you can say about friends is that “they feel like family.” It is a statement of trust, closeness, identity, and responsibility. When we describe friends this way we are reflecting something beautiful about God’s design and desire for humanity, that familial relationships are meant to be near and dear to us. We were made to be part of a family. ... continue reading

The 50/20 Factor

John Meador | April 20, 2023

We’ve all known people who seemed to face extraordinary adversity. For many, one catastrophic event marks their life for many years. Others experience difficult circumstances in waves. Nothing seems to work out for them. They nearly always end up disappointed, and those around them are perplexed as to why it’s happening... continue reading

When God Speaks

John Meador | April 18, 2023

I believe that God still arranges encounters with us. I believe this from my own experience, but more importantly for historical reasons. The Bible is filled with examples of God encountering men and women in unusual places and revealing Himself in powerful ways. God spoke to people in history in unmistakable ways. He speaks to us in the present day through the Scriptures and His Holy Spirit. He answers prayers and meets needs. He still speaks.... continue reading

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