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Which sin?

Helen Thorne | July 11, 2013

"So, which sin are you tackling this week?"

It wasn't a question that took me by surprise. My friend and I are both working on a counseling course at the moment. One of our projects is to identify a persistent sin in our lives, analyze it and take biblical steps towards change. Not the most comfortable of assignments but undoubtedly useful!

As I wrestled with some of my heart-issues last week, a range of questions flitted through my mind. But one of the biggest was this: why on earth had I waited for a piece of coursework before starting to address my rebellion?

It's not like I was unaware of its existence. It's not like it wasn't causing problems for me - and those around me. It was there, a big obvious blot on my life. And yet I had happily ignored it for years and only swung into action when an assignment title prodded me to do so.

Am I alone? I asked a few friends to find out... "So, which sin are you tackling this week?"

The responses ranged from red-face embarrassment to defensive pride. Not a single person I approached was being intentional about putting off their old self and putting on the new, as Ephesians 4 instructs us to do.

That, of course, doesn't mean my friends aren't changing to be more like Jesus. It doesn't mean I haven't been changing either. As the Spirit works inside us and we sit under Scripture week by week there is a process of transformation that takes place. God produces spiritual fruit in his precious children. But it occurs to me that we might be changing more effectively if we were a little more, well, focused.

The process of working through when the sin occurs, what false beliefs motivate it, what Scripture has to say about it, what opportunities there are for accountability with brothers and sisters in Christ, what mercy there is to be found at the cross has been exciting. It's been liberating. And there has certainly been some change ... I'm hoping there's more to come!

So let me encourage you to join in too.

Is there a sin lying unaddressed in your life? Let me rephrase that - which sins are lying unaddressed in your life? Why not pick one and - with a wise Christian friend - start a journey towards freedom and increased Christlikeness?

If you need some help, why not pick a book to read alongside your travels. Tim Chester's, You Can Change would be a great place to start.