Praying for Good Book: Design
Andre Parker | Aug. 6, 2014

We're conscious, here at The Good Book Company, of our need for prayer. We want to be working in God's strength - for God's glory - in God's Kingdom not just pottering about doing what we think is good and right. If you could remembers us in prayer, that would be so much appreciated. To that end, this Wednesday we're continuing to pop up some prayer requests - asking you to pray for us department by department. This week, design:
The design department oversees all things visual here at The Good Book Company. This include the development of covers and internal layouts for our books and resources, typesetting, illustration, advertising, and working with freelance illustrators and designers on larger projects.
It's a busy time at the moment, with several large projects underway.
We'd really appreciate prayer for:
- The Good Book for Children: This year we're really excited about launching our new range of biblically faithful and beautifully illustrated children's books. The first three in the series (two story books and an advent calendar) are well under way and due for release this Christmas. Please pray that these books would be great fun for children to read, but also help them to be excited by the Bible and the truth it reveals about the Lord Jesus and why he came.
- Light in the Darkness: Also due for release this Christmas, this is the second in our new series of biblical graphic novels (or 'graphic realisations') using the unaltered text of Luke. Light in the Darkness uses chapters 1 and 2 of Luke to portray the Christmas story in a fresh way for teenagers and young adults who may not be big readers of traditional books. It's a huge challenge (and a big responsibility) to depict visually and accurately the words of Scripture, and we'd value prayer for God's help in doing it faithfully and with integrity. And that it might prove a useful tool in reaching out to young people.
- New staff: We're looking to expand the design department here to help cope with all these exciting new projects and would appreciate prayer for both ourselves, and the new member of the team, that this might be a good and beneficial relationship for us both.
- General: The workload of the design department here at the Good Book Company is exciting and creative but also large and varied! We seek to approach even the smallest project with the attitude Colossians 3:23, doing all things to the best of our ability, to the glory of God, so prayer for the energy and wisdom to achieve this would be a greatly appreciated!