As you strive to teach and apply a biblical framework of gender you will encounter objections. Here are some ideas on how you could respond. ... continue reading
Our mission calling at The Good Book Company is to make and distribute resources that equip the church to bring the gospel to the world, and there are few places where they are more needed than India.... continue reading
Slavery is clearly one of those things that people bump on when they come to the Bible. It feels very alien, and even immoral in our current age, and rightly so!... continue reading
A few years ago I realised my relationship with Jesus felt somewhat distant and remote. I have a strong sense of living in relationship with God the Father.... continue reading
Sunday morning. As Mike sings he is filled with joy. His pastor has just preached on God’s love to us in Christ. Mike has felt afresh that he is unworthy, but Christ is worthy.... continue reading
There’s a conversation going on about gender and our kids are listening in. The question is not “will our children be a part of this conversation?” but rather, “will we lead it?”... continue reading
Daniel Darling talks to his fellow colleagues at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission about human dignity.... continue reading
What does forgiveness look like in a Christian home?... continue reading
Should Christians be involved in politics? Or should we simply preach and live out the gospel in our communities? Or are these two paradigms as mutually exclusive as they are sometimes branded?... continue reading
What does forgiveness look like in a Christian home? ... continue reading