Whatever the color of our skin, there is much to grieve and lament over right now. So many of us are hurting. So many of us feel powerless to help. Those of us who are not people of color want to stand with our brothers and sisters, but sometimes are unsure how to.
But all of us can pray. And all of us must pray.
So we’ve invited women of color to help all of us lift our eyes to the Lord of all and speak to him as our Father about the times we’re walking through. Each day for the next week or two, visit this blog and you’ll find a video, voice recording, or written prayer that will help you to pray into this situation.
We’re honored that serving us today is Jamika Munn, a member of Risen Christ Fellowship, Philadelphia, PA.
Merciful and Sovereign God!
How majestic is Your Name in all the earth. We acknowledge you as the One true God. We just want to thank you for your kindness. We thank you for your mercies that know no end. We thank you for your faithfulness. We thank you that you are a man of your word. That if you say it- you will surely do it. We acknowledge you as the only one who is able to save us and who is able to comfort us in our affliction. Your word says that “the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Father, we need comfort. People are hurting. We look around and all we see is sin, sickness, and sadness. It’s too much to bear. Thankfully, you are strong and mighty and when we're weak, your perfect strength is displayed. Our hearts ache over the things that are going on in the world right now. Along with daily fighting our own sin, we are in the middle of a pandemic, and we continue to see the lives of Black men and women not valued- not seen as the Imago Dei. Our hearts need healing. We are grieved. Yet, we are not without hope. Not only that, we are still able to rejoice-even in our sorrows. We rejoice in Your word. Lord your word is perfect, reviving the soul. Your word is right, and it rejoices the heart. In the midst of our grief God, help us to find comfort in your word. We rejoice in the Son! Thank you for Jesus. We were once far off from you. Through His life, death, and resurrection, you have brought us near. Thank you that our Lord is risen- He reigns with all authority in His hand. He has defeated sin, death, and the devil. He is the perfect Judge and He overlooks not one act of injustice- He will repay. We rejoice in the gift of prayer- your word tells us that we can cast every single care on you. Thank you that you are a God who hears us. You are not exhausted by us. You never sleep. You never slumber. You are always listening and always working on our behalf. We rejoice in knowing that our tears are not wasted. You keep our tears in a bottle. You give ear to our tears. Grief over this world is appropriate. In fact it’s worshipful when done with Jesus before our eyes. We ask that you will help us to keep the Lord before our eyes in the midst of our grief. We rejoice in knowing that we will see Jesus! Oh, what a sight when we finally behold His face! He will wipe away every tear from our eyes and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” I am thankful that what we see in this broken world, is not all that there is to it. We cry out Lord haste the Day when you return and right everything that is wrong. But until then, help us to not lose heart. Help us to do the work that you have called us to do on this earth- we want to see revival, Lord. We want to see many men and women come to know you. Help us to keep our eyes on you! In Jesus’ Name.
Jamika Munn is also a contributor to His Testimonies, My Heritage. Hear the voices of women of color on the most important subject in any age—the word of God.
Hear the voices of women of color on the most important subject in any age—the word of God.
This inspiring collection of devotions is by a diverse group of women of color—African-American, Hispanic, Caribbean, and Asian women. Contributors include Kristie Anyabwile, Jackie Hill-Perry, Trillia Newbell, Elicia Horton, Christina Edmondson, Blair Linne, Bev Chao Berrus and more.