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Showing posts in 'Ministry'

Pastors are People Too

Brian Croft | April 30, 2024

Here’s a question to ponder: What do you think would happen if you presented yourself to your congregation as a person before doing that as their pastor? What if you took the risk of learning how to share more of yourself with your congregation—not in a way that makes every sermon about you but in a way that allows them to feel a greater kinship with how you experience and respond to God’s word? How would people react if you offered them your true self: an ultra-fragile, incredibly limited, profoundly average, and disappointingly human human being? What do you think would happen?... continue reading

The Church Isn’t Like a Family, It is a Family

Barnabas Piper | April 29, 2023

One of the kindest things you can say about friends is that “they feel like family.” It is a statement of trust, closeness, identity, and responsibility. When we describe friends this way we are reflecting something beautiful about God’s design and desire for humanity, that familial relationships are meant to be near and dear to us. We were made to be part of a family. ... continue reading

How to Make Visitors Feel Welcome at Your Church (Without Joining the Greeter Team)

Jen Oshman | April 4, 2023

Theologian and author Rebecca McLaughlin says, “An alone person in our gatherings is an emergency.” She and her husband have made a rule for themselves that anytime they see someone alone at their worship services, they must stop what they’re doing and go chat with or sit next to that person.... continue reading

Lessons about Hospitality from the Early Church

Jen Oshman | Jan. 17, 2023

2,000 years after the church began, in the increasingly post-Christian West, it’s tempting to wonder if secular voices are right when they claim that Christian churches are passé, on the wrong side of history, or even downright damaging.... continue reading

Two Concerns With Complementarianism Today

Jane Tooher | Nov. 3, 2022

The belief that God made men and women equal in value and dignity, and distinctive in certain responsibilities and roles, is a conviction which has historically been the normal position and practice of the church across the world. However, in recent decades, this complementarian position has become a storm centre.... continue reading

What Does Mutual Ministry Look Like?

Graham Beynon | Nov. 1, 2022

What would people in your church think of as the ministry that really counts—the ministry that brings real growth?

Classically in conservative evangelical churches, the answer is preaching, usually as part of a Sunday service. It’s true that preaching is essential to the health of a church and has a prime function in facilitating its growth. I do it most Sundays!... continue reading

Leading The Church When People Leave

Jonathan K. Dodson | Aug. 18, 2022

For the first time in ministry, I was genuinely tempted to close up my heart. I told myself I would love the church, counsel the church, pray for the church, and preach the gospel to the church as best as I could, but I would no longer befriend the church. Friends would be found elsewhere.... continue reading

Receiving Criticism in Christ

Jonathan K. Dodson | Aug. 14, 2022

During an unusually tense time in our church, a small group of progressively-minded people began critiquing my sermons. I received passive-aggressive texts, lengthy, impassioned emails, and often heard “what so and so thought” about last Sunday’s message. Gossip is, perhaps, the most hurtful. It’s painful and awkward to know a person disapproves of you enough to talk about you to others, but is unwilling to talk with you in person to move towards resolution in Christ.... continue reading

7 Tips for Finding Good Bible Studies for Your Group

Bethany McIlrath | June 30, 2022

Where do you start when it comes time to pick a good Bible study for your small group? Some of us start by searching for studies about a book of the Bible we'd like our group to look at together. Others might see what's new at their favorite Christian bookstore or on one of their favorite Bible teacher's websites.... continue reading

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