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Jesus says: Just do what you can

Matt Fuller | June 29, 2015

Do you feel constantly pulled in too many directions? As though the to-do list is never ending and ever extending? Let me pass on some simple words of Jesus that I’ve always found encouraging: “Do what you can”.

The woman who did what she could
Shortly before his death, Jesus is enjoying dinner with his disciples and friends. And a woman pours a jar of very expensive perfume over Jesus’ head. It’s an extravagant gesture and it causes outrage among some present, because it could have been sold for a large sum of money to be given to the poor.

Jesus’ response is lovely:
“Leave her alone,” said Jesus. “Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me … She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” (Mark 14 v 6, 8-9)

I know that it was money being spent on Jesus and not time; but the principle remains. This woman gave her most precious possession to Jesus because she loved him. She may not have understood lots; she may not have been able to influence the events that were about to unfold in Jerusalem; there were lots of things she could not do. Yet she did what she could with what she had.

I often look at all I would like to do, add on everything other people want me to do… and groan. And I’m picked up by the simple observation: God wants me to do what I can—and he sees it as beautiful when I do. He knows that I’m limited and unable to do all that I desire. He does want the best of me and from me—but he does not seek more than that. So I do what I can.

The other striking thing about the woman’s sacrifice is that it will be remembered for ever, Jesus says. When the gospel of Jesus dying for sins is re-told, we remember her sacrifice for that cause. How encouraging that the sacrifices we make for Jesus are remembered!

Jesus did what he could
Remember, Jesus was overwhelmed by the crowds wanting him (Mark 3 v 7-10). He didn’t always get rest when he wanted it (Mark 6 v 31-33). He didn’t heal every sick person in Palestine; he walked away from some (Luke 4 v 43). He didn’t do every thing. He said “no” to good things so that he could do the most important thing. He finished the work that God the Father gave him to do. So can you and I. But there is not time for every thing. Recognise that. There is time for every thing God asks of us. Recognise that too. We do what we can.

"Each hour is a precious splinter of eternity that Jesus has loaned to us so that we might serve him"

And to help you do that, I’d encourage you to be two things: reliable, and deliberate.

  1. Be deliberate
    Jesus was very clear on his priorities. That’s why he was able to choose to say “yes” to his preaching ministry and “no” to healing ministry when it would have prevented him preaching (Luke 4 v 42-44). Being clear on what matters will prevent us from being fickle or being driven into decisions by guilt.
  2. Be reliable
    Ours is a flighty culture that often drops commitments at a whim. Christians are to be reliable. If we say we’ll do something, we’ll do it. If we commit to give time to something, then we should honour our commitments. Too often people seem to change their minds because a better offer comes along, or they don’t feel like it any more. Honouring our promises can also stop us feeling harassed as we’re pulled from one thing to the next.

Some of us need to make changes to our lives so that we are living sustainably, rather than just surviving from year to year. Some of us need to make changes so that we are living sacrificially, rather than just cruising through. Some of us will need to do both, in different areas of life. Check back to the blog on Thursday for some advice on how to start proactively planning your use of time…

This is an edited extract from Time for Every Thing? How to be busy without feeling burdened by Matt Fuller. Available now in the UK and for pre-order in the US.

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Matt Fuller

Matt Fuller is the Senior Minister at Christ Church, Mayfair in central London. Before working as a minister Matt was a secondary school teacher teaching history and politics.