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Can I really trust the Bible?

and other questions about Scripture, truth and how God speaks

from 19 reviews

A short, readable book that explains clearly and simply what Christians believe about the Bible and how God speaks today

Part of the Questions Christians Ask series.

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“Can I Really Trust the Bible? will give you good reasons to pick up the Bible with confidence. It's a model of clear and engaging writing.”
Tim Chester
Also available

The Bible makes big claims for itself. But do those claims stand up?

Aren’t the stories just legends? Hasn’t the information been corrupted over time? Isn’t the Bible full of mistakes? And isn’t it culturally outdated?

In this absorbing little book, Barry Cooper explores these questions - and many others - with warmth, wit and integrity.

Part of the Questions Christians Ask series: a range of short, simple books designed to help Christians understand what God has said about these questions and many more in the Bible.

Product details


  • Introduction
    1. Does the Bible claim to be God’s word?
    The world, the word, and what Jesus thought of the Bible
    2. Does the Bible claim to be God’s word?
    The word, the Word, and the rightness of writing
    3. Does the Bible seem to be God’s word?
    Consistency, conspiracies and corruptions
    4. Does the Bible seem to be God’s word?
    Canon, contradictions and criticisms
    5. Does the Bible prove to be God’s word?
    Tasting, seeing, and the sweetness of Scripture

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Contributors Barry Cooper
ISBN 9781909559134
Format Paperback
First published July 2014
Dimensions 4.3" x 7" x 0.3"
Weight 3.03 oz
Case quantity 180
Language English
Pages 96
Publisher The Good Book Company

Also available in


Jonathan Leeman

Editorial Director of 9Marks Ministries; author of Reverberation and The Surprising Offense of God’s Love

If I were teaching an Introduction to Christianity class that the whole planet had to take, I could see assigning this text. Well illustrated, well written, well reasoned, an excellent intro to God's most excellent book.

Tim Chester

Crosslands Training; Author of Enjoying God

The Bible says it is more precious than gold and sweeter than honey. But today most people doubt those claims. Many don’t even bother to read the Bible before dismissing it. Whether you’re a long-standing Christian or just beginning to explore the Christian faith, Can I Really Trust the Bible? will give you good reasons to pick up the Bible with confidence. It's a model of clear and engaging writing.

Amy Wicks

Women's worker, St Helen's Bishopsgate

What if God has spoken and we're just not listening? Barry Cooper has given us straightforward and thoughtful answers to a seriously important question. Read this book and learn what the Bible really says about itself, and be equipped to answer today's common objections to its trustworthiness. I really love this book and can't wait to get it into the hands of the people I serve.

Independent reviews

Can I really trust the Bible?

Aaron Armstrong, The Gospel Coalition, March 15, 2015

Can I Really Trust the Bible? is a refreshing and encouraging read that would be superb to share with those looking to explore this vital topic.... continue reading


Can I really trust the Bible?

Dave McDonald, Macarisms, Aug. 16, 2014

Barry Cooper’s book, Can I trust the Bible? And other questions about Scripture, truth and how God speaks is a good introduction to the topics of biblical authorship, authority, reliability, readability and more.... continue reading

Customer reviews

Evelyn Bell
May 12, 2023

“I found this little book to be informative, factual and concise. A good read in one sitting.”

I found this little book to be informative, concise and informative it is small enough to read again and again for better digestion.

George Cresswell
July 20, 2019

“Informative, concise,thrilling”

George's wife reviewing, he is about to read the book.!
As I said in my summary,a thrilling read. I learnt lots from one or two of the chapters about the canon of scripture. The last chapter brought tears to my eyes...this is God's Word to us and we can trust it implicitly and completely. We WILL pass it on for sure.

John Daniel
May 19, 2017

“A good booklet”

This is a good booklet - for either those who don't believe that the Bible is God's word to mankind or those who perhaps have faith, but still do not acknowledge the infallible truth of scripture.

Graham Cooper
May 11, 2017

“See below”

As Barry is my son,I could not be impartial. However,I would say that I frequently use the book to give to non christians as a gospel outreach and get many positive responses

Michael Pritchard
April 18, 2017


Excellent short book on the authority and authenticity of the Bible. I found it very encouraging and, for me, a must read.

Bryony Woodbridge
Nov. 10, 2016

“Great little book”

I found this book really helpful as it was concise, easy to read and full of great stuff. It reinforced many things I already believed but also broadened my understanding, particularly thinking about how Jesus viewed scripture, and by the end gave me even more confidence in the trustworthiness of the bible as the Word of God. I have since given it to a friend who is not a Christian but considering this issue. Well worth a read!

Michjael Pritchard
Sept. 4, 2016

“the authenticity of the Bible”

This book says a lot in 81 pages. The author demonstrates well the authenticity of the Bible, showing how a single theme runs through all 66 books or 'documents.' Cooper meets head on the common criticisms laid against this book of books and answers them well. However you view the Bible, this is a must read.

Ray Tolley
Jan. 1, 2016

“An essential read for all Christians”

This little book is absolutely amazing. In more than 60 years of reading the Scriptures and studying many of the great Christian writers I have never come across a writer who presents his message as well as Barry Cooper does. In five concise chapters he coverers the whole topic of Biblical reliability. His clear down-to-earth writing style can be easily followed even by those who have not so far become Christians. Equally the book is a veritable mine of precious truths for those starting out with Christ and similarly a valued reminder of the things held precious by those of longer years.
Barry Cooper models the layout of these five chapters on the three questions of Winnie-the-Pooh: ‘Does the Bible claim to be God’s word?’, ‘Does the Bible seem to be God’s word?’ and ‘Does the Bible prove to be God’s word?’ Each chapter concludes with a helpful Conclusion.
Next to the Bible itself, I would suggest that every Christian should have a copy of this little gem, use it as a regular revision guide, and be prepared to share its contents with those who are seeking the Truth about God’s word.

Matthew Jones.
Aug. 19, 2015

“Can we trust the Bible? well if you dont, you should! ”

In this book Cooper lays out all the truths about the Bible and explains exactly why it can be trusted! As a student of World Religions at University I have learnt that many people are very critical of religion especially before they decide to follow that particular religion if this is you about trusting the Bible then this is the book for you!

You can really see Gods word coming out through this book and its so easy to pick up and read. It gives a basic answer to some of those hard hitting questions many Christians and people reading the Bible ask!

highly recommended by me and all those I know that have read it!

Graeme Shanks
July 11, 2015

“ Can I really trust the Bible? You bet you can!”

The trustworthiness of the Bible is one of the biggest issues facing the Church today. Every Christian will be familiar with critics from all spheres of life who regard the Bible as being unreliable, outdated and divisive. Therefore, any resource that can both answer these objections and inspire credence in the word of God is going to be extremely timely and valuable. Refreshingly, I found Barry Cooper's book to be both. He has done a sterling job in producing a concise, informative and very readable book on the subject. He is unashamed in his conviction that we can have a firm confidence in the Bible. He demonstrates this by examining everything from its content to its composition. There are some very snappy, simple and compelling answers to some of the most common questions about the Bible which all readers will benefit from. He drops in some greatly reassuring facts about the Bible which help convince the reader that as they read the Bible they are reading the very words of God himself. In his usual witty and entertaining way, Barry tells us about his own personal experience of the transforming power of God's word in his own life and the life's of countless others. Echoing the words of the psalmist in Psalm 19, he closes with an invitation to 'taste and see' the sweetness of the God who reveals himself in the Bible.

'That is the point of the Bible. It hasn't been given to us so that we can know about God. It has been given to us so that we can know God. One of life's saddest ironies is that many who know their Bibles back to front do not know its Author.' (p. 77)

Perhaps you are a Christian seeking to know more about the Bible. Perhaps you are not a Christian but keen to find out exactly what the Bible claims to be and how it came to be. Whoever you are and wherever you are in terms of your beliefs you will benefit from time spent reading this short book.

Can I really trust the Bible? You bet you can!

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Can I really trust the Bible? | Barry Cooper |
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