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Is God Anti-gay?

And Other Questions About Jesus, the Bible, and Same-Sex Sexuality

from 6 reviews

Explores the extraordinary claims and promises of Jesus, his teaching on sexuality, and the costs and rewards of following him.

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Is it ok to be gay and Christian? Does the Bible really say that homosexuality is wrong? Is sexual orientation fundamental to identity?

Author and speaker Sam Allberry has expanded and restructured his best-selling book, which draws on his own experience as a believer who experiences same-sex attraction. As well as exploring Bible passages that talk directly about homosexuality, this new edition frames the whole discussion with Jesus’ general teaching on sex and marriage, as well as what Jesus teaches about finding ultimate satisfaction and happiness. It also challenges the current culture narrative, which inextricably ties sexuality to personal identity, and he shows that the gospel is good news for everyone, whatever their sexual orientation.

This sensitive exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality has been written to help both Christians and non-Christians struggling with the Bible's teaching on this issue, whether they experience same-sex attraction themselves or not.

Includes answers to questions such as…

• Does Jesus ever mention same-sex relationships?
• Aren’t people just born this way?
• What should I do if a Christian comes out to me?
• Surely, isn't a same-sex partnership ok if it’s committed and faithful?
• Is it sinful to experience same-sex attraction?
• Isn’t the Christian view of sexuality harmful?
• Aren’t we just picking and choosing which Old Testament laws apply?
• Can’t Christians just agree to differ on this?
• Should Christians attend gay weddings?

Product details


  • Introduction
    1. Jesus on Sexuality
    2. Facing Same-Sex Attraction as a Christian
    3. Same-Sex Sexuality and the Church
    4. Same-Sex Sexuality and the World Today
    5. Same-Sex Relationships and the Bible
    Author’s Note

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Contributors Sam Allberry, Timothy Keller
ISBN 9781784988296
Format Paperback
First published February 2023
Dimensions 4.3" x 7" x 0.4"
Weight 3.95 oz
Case quantity 50
Language English
Pages 128
Publisher The Good Book Company

Paul David Tripp

Author and Conference Speaker

Here is wisdom shaped by personal experience, but also shaped by things that are even more important: love of God, love for people, and a rich, street-level understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I can think of no other book that speaks so lovingly, clearly, practically, and helpfully to this significant issue of our day.

Preston M. Sprinkle

President, The Center for Faith, Sexuality and Gender

I was so impressed with how Sam’s first edition of Is God Anti-Gay? was able to engage the topic of sexuality with theological faithfulness and relational care. This is why I am excited to see Sam's new expanded edition of his important book! Sam’s book has always been one of my top recommendations for people wanting to engage the topic, and the new material in this new edition makes a great book even better.

Jackie Hill Perry

Writer and artist

This is a plain, sensible, biblical and therefore necessary little book on sexuality that anybody can understand and one everybody can benefit from. Sexuality can be a messy subject and as Sam Alberry always does, he makes the messy stuff make a whole lotta sense.

Customer reviews

Bethany Davidson
May 17, 2023

“Honest and Thoughtful”

In this honest, heartfelt book, Sam Allberry shares about some of his experiences as a celibate gay Christian, answering common questions about the Bible, Jesus, and sexuality to dispel common myths and help people better understand a traditional, biblical sexual ethic. Each section is typically just a few pages long, and Allberry's writing is concise and engaging.

This book will primarily appeal to Christians who want to better understand their beliefs, and to Side B Christians who experience same-sex attraction and hold to a traditional ethic themselves. This book can encourage them to hold their ground and live out their beliefs despite cultural pressure, and provides wise encouragement from a seasoned believer who has dealt with similar struggles.

Different sections deals with both theological concepts and practical concerns, such as how to handle someone coming out to you. The advice is gentle, practical, and compassionate, and Allberry's personal experience gives greater gravity to everything he writes. However, I would have liked him to come down harder on ways that churches have harmed gay people. It's absolutely acknowledged, but since it's not addressed in detail, that will make it more difficult for people opposed to his message to hear him out.

The new material makes this book more accessible to non-Christians, but because the book is so very brief, people who already fundamentally disagree with the author are unlikely to get much out of it. There are so many ways that they could counter his arguments and explanations, and additional layers of questioning and argumentation simply can't be addressed in a book of this size. Someone with an opposing view can walk away with a better understanding of what the Christian sexual ethic means in context and why so many Christians believe in it, but this is mainly for people who already share the author's convictions.

Olly Sherwood
May 11, 2023

“A very important book”

Is God Anti-Gay? Is a much needed book especially in these times that we are in. It is a short book (I read it in one sitting and I am a slow reader) but it is packed with wisdom and is very accessible.
I found the book to be very informative and has been helpful for me to be mindful of how I understand SSE and how I best respond to those who may be struggling in this way.
What I love most about the book is that it is so Christ centred and Sam does a great job of making the point that Jesus is far greater than any of the sins that we desire.
At the end of every chapter Sam provides questions and answers to some of the objections that people may bring which I found to be a very important part of the book to help aid our understanding should we face the same objections.
Overall the book is biblical and practical and one I'm sure that I will return to and recommend to others.

April 25, 2023

“Clear, Concise, Needed!”

(Review written for 'Is God Anti-Gay? (ebook)')

It used to be that to be considered a good writer, that you had to write a book that was full of large theological words and have a unbelievable length that scared people from actually reading it. However, what I have found is that those who cannot actually write to the point and clearly are those who actually are not very good writers, or at least don't have good editors. This is NOT the case for this book.

Sam Allberry has written, a biblically and theologically rich book, while saying it in a very clear way and in a length that can be read in an afternoon. This book is clear, concise, and biblically rich on a topic that the world is talking about and Christians need to be prepared to talk about. Get one for yourself, and maybe another one for a friend and talk through it together. You won't be disappointed.

Elaine Christy
April 12, 2023

“Concise, compassionate, informed, knowledge of Christian sexual ethics.”

Sam writes with such compassion, Biblical truth, insight, clarity, grace, love about the Christian response to homosexuals/ SSA/ gay community. It is a posture of our hearts to match God’s loving heart is what is required and Sam brings that across so very well.

April 1, 2023

“Superb Little Book”

An excellent exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality. Sam has a real Pastor’s heart, seeing to show how God’s vision for marriage between one man and one woman is good news for us today rather than depress us with a series of rules. The new expanded edition is even better than the first edition and is a must for any Christian seeking to think through how they should approach this topic.

Joseph Posner
Feb. 17, 2023

“Honesty birthed from love”

Sam Allberry - Is God anti-gay?

Is God anti-gay is an honest account of God’s grace and mercy. Sam Allberry challenges some of the most entrenched perspectives in this field, debunking opinions and terminology in order to get to the heart of the topic. Throughout, Allberry details his own account, and personal struggles with homosexuality. He is completely honest and transparent, all the while demonstrating that Christ is his ultimate treasure. Allberry’s argument is that homosexual relationships are not in line with God’s design for humanity, and therefore are not compatible with life in Christ. Allberry then continues to give advice to others who have serious questions and issues with this topic. No matter our struggles, the author argues, the Lord guides us and helps us.
Allberry is thoughtful and pastoral in every paragraph. His narrative voice is personal and careful, addressing many concerns that the reader may have. Nevertheless, Allberry does not shy away from his argument, that homosexual relationship is not God’s will for humankind. That he gives his own account draws the reader in and challenges perceptions and perspectives. Allberry skillfully uses scripture and biblical points to support his points, and to encourage readers to pursue Christ and Godly behavior. All the while, he offers hope and encouragement for those struggling, or simply seeking an understanding.
Honesty birthed from love.
I received a free copy of this book from The Good Book Company in exchange for an honest review.

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Is God Anti-gay? | Sam Allberry, Timothy Keller |
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