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Social Responsibility

We are called to love our neighbour as ourselves (Mark 12:31) and to that end we take seriously our responsibility to treat our staff, suppliers and customers with dignity and respect. Here are some of the ways we are seeking to do that:

Caring for our staff

  • We seek to create a safe and respectful workplace for our staff. We have dedicated health and safety officers, fire marshals, first aiders and an HR manager trained in biblical counselling.
  • We are a living wage employer, so none of our staff are paid less than the fair living wage.
  • We support flexible working for parents.
  • We ensure that staff take time off in lieu when they work evenings or weekends.
  • We support staff who want to volunteer for summer Bible camps or Vacation Bible Schools with extra time off.
  • We offer long service leave to all staff for every 10 years worked for the company.
  • We support staff who want to walk, run or cycle to work.

Choosing our suppliers carefully

  • We strive to treat our suppliers with integrity and always pay invoices on or ahead of schedule.
  • We only work with suppliers who we are confident comply with local employment laws and pay their staff a fair wage.
  • We specifically check that minors are not employed by any of our print partners or suppliers.
  • We have introduced clauses in all our contracts that bind authors, suppliers and distributors to the highest standards in preventing bribery and modern slavery practises in their work.

Supporting brothers and sisters around the world

  • We support the work of Compassion, contributing financially to education projects in developing countries. You can find out more about the work of Compassion here.
  • We work with Crosslinks and SIM to give the missionaries they support free access to newly published ebooks.

Environmental Sustainability

We believe that we are called to be good stewards of the earth that God has created (Genesis 1:26) and so we seek to minimize our impact on the environment however we can. This work is ongoing, and we know that there is more that we can do, but here are some positive steps we have been able to take so far:


  • Our books are printed using sustainably-sourced wood pulp from responsibly-managed forests.
  • We always strive to transport our bulk deliveries by sea freight and avoid shipping by air.


  • All marketing mailings are plastic free.
  • We make it easy to unsubscribe from physical mailings if preferred.
  • We use recyclable cardboard to package our books. Where plastic packaging is unavoidable we use biodegradable options whenever possible and we are proactively seeking ways to eliminate all plastic from our supply chain and packaging materials.

Office culture

  • We have active recycling programs in place for paper, cardboard, glass and plastic.
  • We invest in enterprise-level video conferencing to minimize the need for air travel.