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Discount Policy

To view the discount range for a particular product, please find it on our website and look at the blue "Bulk Discounts" table on the top right hand side. Please contact us if you need a larger quantity than the table allows for.

No special cases

Every year many worthy causes approach The Good Book Company for discounts beyond the retail price - including those serving some of the nation's most needy in State Prisons; foreign parties needing volumes of bibles; University & church missions; and friends of employees here.

We are not best placed to evaluate the worthiness of each cause — in a sense, all Christian ministries are doing vital work that should be supported. Local or specialist ministries that are familiar with the area you work in and share your aims are best placed both to evaluate your need and enable you to meet it financially. Thus we have adopted a totally uniform discount policy — you will not get more discount by calling where we have already published the details.

Our system benefits everyone

It took a lot of time to develop our complex variable-discount system, where our resources are placed on one of six different discount ranges according to a number of factors, such as postage costs & actual cost of product (print, shipping, marketing, warehousing etc). This saves us an enormous amount of time and enables us to be fair, not favouring one Christian ministry above another. In saving time, we save money and can therefore provide everyone with lower prices.