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Easter Uncut ebook

What really happened and why it really matters

from 2 reviews

A gripping, revealing account of the week before Jesus' resurrection. Perfect for giving away.

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Most journals are boring. This one isn't.

Easter Uncut takes readers to one man's account of a week of his life: a week of great plans, shattered dreams, nightmare scenes and renewed hope. It's what we call Easter, without any of the fluffy bits.

This accessible, faithful book will engage, inform and excite non-Christians by taking them to the uncut Easter story, and to the wonder of the message of the cross and empty tomb.

Product details


  • 1. Saturday night: Dinner with friends
    2. Sunday: To the city
    3. Thursday night: Staying in
    4. Friday morning: The verdict
    5. Friday midday: At the execution
    6. Sunday: Running and eating
    7. A few days later: Gone fishing
    Another Diary
    What next?
    Yes, but… isn't this all made up?
    Yes, but… surely Jesus didn't really rise?

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Age range: 14+
Contributors Carl Laferton
ISBN 9781909919327
Format eBook
First published January 2016
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Rico Tice

Founder, Christianity Explored Ministries

Historical, engaging, and clear, Easter Uncut blows a fresh wind through our understanding of Easter. Whoever you are, you will see some new things. And whoever you are, you'll find it hard to remain apathetic about what happened.

Timothy Lane

author of How People Change; President of the Institute for Pastoral Care

This book will help those you know who don't believe in Jesus understand what Christians believe, and prompt them to reconsider and rethink what they believe. If Jesus was really who he said he was, no one can afford to ignore him. Give someone this book, and they won't want to ignore him.

Rebecca Manley Pippert

Author of Out of the Saltshaker; founder of Becky Pippert Ministries

I really liked this book. It is accessible, witty, personal and fresh. Ideal to give away to anyone wanting to know the true meaning of Easter, and illuminates details believers may have missed. I heartily recommend it!

Independent reviews

"I found myself buzzing at Jesus' character"

Robin Ham, The Happy Certainty, March 14, 2016

Author Carl Laferton manages to be both engaging and straight-forward, telling the first-century story and bringing out its twenty-first century relevance. It makes for a brilliant resource to give-away as we approach the week of Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.... continue reading

Customer reviews

Betsy Fleming
June 27, 2023

“I used it for a evangelistic opportunity”

(Review written for 'Easter Uncut')

Every Easter I choose
something to give to my
9 neighbors along with a
homemade Easter card. We had been
given this book at church so I decided
to purchase copies of this book to give to them.

Alan Witchalls
Feb. 22, 2016

“Clear and simple presentation of the Easter events and their implications for us today”

(Review written for 'Easter Uncut')

Easter Uncut is a simple, clear and effective way to put the events of the first Easter into peoples hands in order that they might consider Jesus for themselves.

Set out like a diary/journal, the book retells the biblical account of the Easter events (with text straight from the Bible in bold, and helpful cues or context added in normal text) and provides a basic commentary and explaination of their significance for us.

Easter Uncut is ideal as an Easter give-away book or something to offer people who have never considered Easter for themselves. For some, it may be too simplistic but for most people who will pick up or be given a copy of this book, it will be a good primer for helping people to take Jesus seriously, starting with the central week in all of human history.

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Easter Uncut (ebook) | Carl Laferton |