Shows us how valuing Christ as the blazing center of our lives enables us to rightly enjoy money, sex and power.
Whether we’re rich or poor, married or single, in a position of great influence or not—all of us face temptation in the areas of money, sex and power. They are the dangerous opportunities of our time—opportunities to destroy our own souls, or to experience the true joy of using them for God’s glory.
John Piper shows us that when we have the blazing glory of Christ at the center of our spiritual solar system, the planets of money, sex and power find their true and beautiful orbits.
This book is for every Christian and will help you to wake up to the all-satisfying glory of God, and discover what you were made for.
1. Definitions and Foundations
2. The Pleasure-Destroying Dangers of Sex
3. The Wealth-Destroying Dangers of Money
4. The Self-Destroying Dangers of Power
5. Deliverance: The Return of the Sun to the Center
6. Deployment: The New Orbits for Money, Sex, and Power
Contributors | John Piper |
ISBN | 9781784980511 |
Format | Hardback |
First published | May 2016 |
Dimensions | 5.1" x 7" x 0.8" |
Weight | 8.01 oz |
Case quantity | 24 |
Language | English |
Pages | 160 |
Publisher | The Good Book Company |
This new book is timely and deserves careful consideration by every Christian. It is a theologically rich, biblically faithful exploration of potential stumbling blocks to enjoying God: sex, money, and power. In these pages you will discover not only the spiritual danger of setting your hope in the things of this world but how, as Christians, we can understand sex, money, and power in ways that display God’s glory.
Living in the Light offers a vibrant, refreshing, and enriching paradigm-shift. John Piper explores three gifts of God that are simultaneously precious and precarious. With penetrating clarity, he demonstrates the connection between money, sex and power, and shows how we can put them in their proper places by recognizing Christ as their center of gravity.
Piper here exposes us to the power of the Word. He helps open our ears to sober and solemn warnings. He also helps us embrace encouragements that shine with the promises of God. This book is about money, sex, and power. It is of course ultimately and wonderfully about the supremely satisfying and shining glory of God in Christ.
This holy/unholy trio is the subject of John Piper’s latest book Living in the Light. While the book began as a series of conference messages, this is no lazy port from one format to another, but a careful, skillful rewrite and expansion.... continue reading
For someone looking to press on as a follower of Christ, Living in the Light will be a fullsome and unshrinking read. If you’ve never read any Piper, it’s a great way to begin. If you’re a JP junkie, you’ll still appreciate how he pushes seeing Christ as supreme into the specifics of our lives.... continue reading
Although money, sex, and power are gifts from God, Piper recognizes that we tragically (and wickedly!) idolize them and prefer the gifts to the Giver. Rather than living in the light, we live in the darkness—symptomatically revealed in these three areas. In specific chapters on each topic, Piper clearly explains how this exchange happens. He concludes the book by showing how God’s grace can return those ‘planets’ to their God-ordained orbits. We learn how to use these three gifts so that we glorify the Giver; Piper explains how the sun can return to the center of the solar system. So although money, sex, and power are dangerous gifts that can be easily idolized, we also learn that—through Christ—they can find their true and rightful order in our lives.... continue reading