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Talking Points: Abortion

Christian compassion, convictions and wisdom for today's big issues

from 3 reviews

Helps Christians to think biblically, speak wisely and act compassionately on the complex issue of abortion.

Part of the Talking Points series.

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Our culture is locked in a battle between two opposing worldviews on abortion. How can we help those who are struggling with the emotional and spiritual fallout from abortion? How should Christians advise those who are feeling pressure to abort their child? What should we be saying in the public arena, and how should we conduct ourselves in conversation?

In this short book, Lizzie Ling and Vaughan Roberts survey the Christian worldview and help us to think biblically, speak wisely and act compassionately as we engage with the people, the questions and the heartache surrounding abortion, in a society with very different values.

Dr Lizzie Ling was a GP for many years, and worked in Southern Africa for over 10 years supporting local churches as they cared for those affected by HIV/AIDS. Vaughan Roberts is the pastor of St Ebbe’s church, Oxford, and an author of many books, including the other books in this highly regarded ‘Talking Points’ series that help Christians think, talk and relate to others with compassion, conviction and wisdom about today’s big issues.

Product details


  • Introduction: Talking Points
    1. Where are we?
    2. Who are we?
    3. When are we human?
    4. A complex issue
    5. Engaging practically: Guiding principles
    6. Engaging practically: Common questions
    Appendix 1: How abortion is performed
    Appendix 2: Miscarriage: A strange and lonely grief
    Appendix 3: The gospel of reconciliation
    Discussion guide

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Contributors Vaughan Roberts, Lizzie Ling
ISBN 9781784984434
Format Paperback
First published April 2020
Dimensions 4.3" x 7" x 0.3"
Weight 3.53 oz
Case quantity 84
Language English
Pages 112
Publisher The Good Book Company

Daniel Darling

Director of The Land Center for Cultural Engagement; author, The Dignity Revolution

There has not been a more divisive social issue in the west in the last half-century than the issue of abortion. For those of us who care about human dignity and see humanity in the unborn, this is a fight worth having. And yet as we advocate for the life of the unborn, we also advocate for the flourishing of the mother. The abortion industry preys on both child and mother and leaves a trail of sorrow. This book skillfully, simply, and biblically helps believers think through the complexities of the abortion debate and offers the gospel as the only hope for reconciliation and redemption. It will help God's people engage the issue with compassion and courage and will motivate a new generation to speak up for the most vulnerable.

Alison Eloff

Women’s Worker at St James Church Kenilworth, Cape Town, South Africa

The subject of Abortion remains emotive, divisive and for many women deeply personal and painful. Dr Ling’s book provides a compassionate, yet clear call to take the Creator God’s Word on this important subject seriously. Speaking personally, I felt much better informed and far better equipped to speak truth in love and to show love in practice as a result of reading this book. I highly recommend it.

Ntsiki Mgxabayi

Social Worker, South Africa

I am grateful that I got to read this book. It is informative, truthful and yet very gracious in the way it is written. As a social worker and someone who lives in a country with very high incidents of rape, and woman abuse, it is important that women who are battling with thoughts of aborting a child who could be a result of a criminal act are listened to and supported, especially by the church. One of the great things about this book is that it is written graciously and compassionately. It does not try to force anything on people or put down those who are struggling with having aborted or are thinking about it. I also enjoyed the honesty in which the argument of the book was made. I found the argument balanced and helpful for someone to make an informed decision.

Independent reviews

"an excellent resource for pastors and those in Christian care ministry"

Sally Sims, Oct. 5, 2020

This is an excellent and well-balanced introduction to the challenging topic of abortion. Pastors and those in care ministry will find this short book particularly helpful but it’s important reading for all Christians and could be read with someone struggling with an unwanted pregnancy.... continue reading

Customer reviews

Shirley Crabtree
Sept. 25, 2021

“A much needed book for everyone”

A long awaited book giving women help with abortion issues from a Christian perspective not a secular one. Brings comfort, healing and most importantly a surety of God’s abiding love and forgiveness if we will just talk to Him and trust Him. Thank you to everyone involved with this book.

Hilarie Blair
May 28, 2020

“Abortion- Dr Ling and V Roberts”

An excellent book- easy and quick to read. Gives an excellent review of abortion - full of grace, forgiveness and mercy. All the horror of abortion is presented alongside the call for the Church to rise up practically In this area to bring forgiveness and restoration to broken hurting women, men , grand parents etc Surely this is an area the Church should be speaking in to - truthfully and lovingly.

Lynn Coles
Feb. 10, 2020

“An excellent resource on abortion”

As a woman who has experienced abortion and been involved in leading Biblical abortion recovery programmes in the UK for the past twenty years, I highly recommend this little book. It is a quick & easy read and would be great to use in Church small groups. Every believer should be equipped with this book and with bulk orders making it as cheap as £1 each, there’s no excuse really! We need to reclaim the conversation around abortion, especially within the Church family of believers. We have no need to fear the media and our voices, clothed in love and compassion, should be heard. How else are women going to hear the truth about abortion? The walking wounded of abortion are sitting in our Churches right now and don’t know who to turn to for help. A conservative estimate is that every abortion can affect approximately 45 lives: the mother of the aborted child, the father, grandparents, existing or future siblings, future partners or spouses, friends, family, work colleagues, Clergy, counsellors, medical staff and so the ‘ripple effect’ spreads through society. We kid ourselves if we think abortion does not concern us nor will it impact our lives nor the communities around us. God has placed your Church, in your community to reach the lost. How are you doing on reaching the abortion affected in your Church? In your community? Pastors are you preaching on the subject? Are you supporting your local Pregnancy Resource Centre? Are you offering abortion recovery Bible Studies for men & women affected by abortion? There is hope, help and healing to be found in Jesus and many different Biblical tools at the Church’s disposal. I would urge you to use them. I applaud Lizzie & Vaughan for compiling this comprehensive resource on abortion. Buy it. Read it. Use it. Act on it. Give it.

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Talking Points: Abortion | Vaughan Roberts, Lizzie Ling |
$6.99 $5.94