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Judges: The flawed and the flawless (Spanish)

Judges: The flawed and the flawless (Spanish)

6 studies for individuals or groups

Timothy Keller shows us the flawed heroes of Judges—and how they point us to the flawless hero, Jesus.

Part of the Good Book Guides series.


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Timothy Keller shows us the flawed heroes of Judges—and how they point us to the flawless hero, Jesus.

This six-study guide by Timothy Keller will show users how this dark, difficult period of history points us to the wonderful message of the gospel.

Judges takes us to a time of murder and massacre, immorality and unfaithfulness. But it also reveals to us the God of mercy and long-suffering, who rescues his people time and again. And it points us to his greatest rescue, through Jesus Christ.

The flawed and the flawless is designed to work alongside Judges For You, Timothy Keller's expository guide to Judges. His clarify and insight will help anyone exploring this challenging, yet thrilling, Old Testament book.

• Part of the popular Good Book Guide Series
• Companion study guide to Judges For You
• Bible study for small groups and individuals
• Written by Timothy Keller, author of Judges For You and Galatians For You, and Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York
• Substantial leader's guide included

Product details


  • Introduction
    Why study Judges?

  • 1. A shaky start (1 v 1 – 3 v 6)
    2. Othniel, Ehud, Deborah: Expect the unexpected (3 v 7 – 5 v 31)
    3. Gideon: The dangers of success (6 v 1 – 8 v 31)
    4. Abimelech and Jephthah: Dark times (8 v 32 – 12 v 15)
    5. Samson: A shadow in the darkness (13 – 16)
    6. "Israel had no king" (17 – 21)

  • Leader's Guide


Contributors Timothy Keller
ISBN 9789585881228
Format Paperback
Dimensions 5.5" x 8.3" x 0.2"
Weight 3.70 oz
Language Spanish
Pages 80
No. of studies 6
Publisher Poiema Publicaciones

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The Good Book Guides are easily the most consistently faithful and helpful small group workbooks.
- Rachel Brabner, Conference Manager, The Proclamation Trust


Rachel Brabner

Conference Manager, The Proclamation Trust

The Good Book Guides are easily the most consistently faithful and helpful small group workbooks.

Michael J. Kruger

President and Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina

I love this small group study guide series from The Good Book Company. Christians are regularly told they should spend more time studying God’s Word, but sometimes there’s not a clear plan for how to do this. These study guides provide practical, step-by-step guidance on working through books of the Bible, along with wonderful questions that encourage reflection and application. I hope churches and Christian ministries will take advantage of this wonderful resource.

Tim Chester

Crosslands Training; Author of Enjoying God

The aim of the The Good Book Company is to be biblical, relevant and accessible, and nothing embodies that ethos more than their Good Book Guides. Each guide provides a framework for your group to dig into the text of Scripture for itself while providing enough of a steer to keep you on track plus useful pointers towards application. The result is a great combination of fidelity to Scripture and ease of use.

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