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Original Jesus

What he really did and why it really matters

from 4 reviews

A funny, faithful introduction to Jesus, comparing him to other popular versions of "Jesus". Perfect for giving away.

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“This is a book worth anyone’s time. I loved reading it, and I'd love my friends to read it.”
Rico Tice
Founder Christianity Explored Ministries
Also available

Good teacher… or intolerant judge… or children's story… Who is Jesus?

This is a book about Original Jesus—the one who actually lived in human history. The one who often gets hidden behind all the other versions of Jesus we're offered. The Jesus who is controversial, compassionate, sometimes uncomfortable, often unpredictable… and completely real.

This short, lively book explains how Original Jesus really matters to people today—how his life can transform peoples hopes and futures.

Short, funny, friendly and easy-to-read, Original Jesus looks at seven episodes in Jesus' life from the Gospel of Luke, and explains the central gospel message. Perfect for giving away to unbelieving family and friends, whatever their view of Jesus, and for handing out at church outreach events.

Product details


  • Introduction
    1. Good teacher
    2. Distant God
    3. Freedom fighter
    4. Intolerant judge
    5. Religious rule-keeper
    6. Tragic failure
    7. Children's story
    What next?
    Yes, but... isn't it all made up?
    Yes, but... can we really believe in miracles?
    Yes, but... surely Jesus didn't really rise?

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Contributors Carl Laferton
ISBN 9781909559820
Format Paperback
Dimensions 5.1" x 7.8" x 0.2"
Weight 2.86 oz
Print size 9.0pt
Case quantity 50
Language English
Pages 64
Publisher The Good Book Company

Rico Tice

Founder, Christianity Explored Ministries

Laferton simply and attractively walks through Luke's Gospel and in a simple, interesting and relevant way speaks into our culture, which increasingly thinks it's OK for the individual to invent their own view of Jesus. This is a book worth anyone’s time. I loved reading it, and I'd love my friends to read it.

Kathleen B. Nielson

Ph.D, Author and Conference Speaker

Like a friend, this book helps sort through the question of who Jesus is.  It points to the original Jesus in a lively and conversational way, so that we interact with voices all around but hear finally the words of Jesus himself. This book is like the best kind of friend, bringing us to meet Jesus.

Tim Hanson

co-chair of Passion for Life 2014

Christianity is about Jesus Christ, and this wonderful book shows why he is worth thinking about and getting to know. The genius of this book is that it isn’t about who we might think Jesus is —it’s about who he really is.

Independent reviews

Original Jesus

Stephen Witmer, The Gospel Coalition, Feb. 23, 2014

There is much to commend. Perhaps the most helpful feature of Original Jesus is that it focuses on the glory and worth of Jesus. Gospel tracts often focus on the mechanics of how to trust in Jesus (including which words to pray), but they don’t usually focus sustained attention on the beauty of Jesus. They’re usually too short to do so in any substantial way. Consequently, becoming a Christian can seem mainly to be about escaping from hell and gaining access to heaven, rather than entering into a relationship with a Savior and King. By focusing on Jesus, Original Jesus makes clear that becoming a Christian has everything to do with entering into a personal relationship with Christ. In that vein, it would be helpful to have an additional, concluding chapter on how we relate to the original Jesus once we’re saved; what it means to obey him and live for his glory, to fit into his grand story rather than trying to squeeze him down into all our small ones.... continue reading

Customer reviews

Sept. 4, 2015


(Review written for 'Original Jesus')

Great - straight to the point (like this review!).

March 11, 2015

“An Ideal Gift”

(Review written for 'Original Jesus')

This short and inexpensive book from the Good Book Company of approximately 60 pages is ideal to give as a present to those with no Christian commitment. I gave away a number of copies to work colleagues, neighbours and relatives this last Christmas. (Bulk discounts available.) The book may also be enjoyed by and useful for Christians. It makes no assumptions about a person’s prior knowledge of Jesus, if any. It asks the all important question ‘just who was Jesus ?’ The author acknowledges that we tend to have a view already and a view that has been adapted for our convenience. He looks at a series of brief episodes of Jesus’ life seen in the New Testament gospels. (Bible references are given.)

Each selected episode brings a challenge to any preconceptions and interacts with the type of response people might make. He begins with Jesus’ power over nature : evidence of his deity, then the healing of the Gadarene demoniac :to show his power over evil, next the raising of Jairus’ daughter :to show his power over death. In the parable of the tenants he shows God’s intolerance of rebellion. With the Pharisee and the tax collector he demonstrates the need for honesty about our unworthiness. When looking at the cross he shows the wonder of God’s promise to welcome such into his kingdom and the price he paid as a substitute to provide forgiveness - and with the resurrection validating his promise. Lastly through the way Jesus had time for children he shows how we need to be child-like in dependence upon Jesus.

There are appropriate follow-up suggestions for reading a gospel or joining Christianity Explored among others. The author also has brief sections responding to common objections such as on the trustworthiness of the Bible, miracles and the resurrection.

Feb. 25, 2014

“Excellent book”

(Review written for 'Original Jesus')

In a very disarming way, this book looks at common understandings of who Jesus was and moves on to discuss who Jesus really is in relation to each misunderstanding. While I've been a christian for decades, I think the style of this book would be very helpful for those who aren't christians and for those who have recently become christians. I have one incredibly small criticism - I don't like the gothic type face on the front page and at the beginning of each chapter. Other than that, can't fault it.

Feb. 21, 2014

“Original Jesus”

(Review written for 'Original Jesus')

Excellent booklet for sharing Jesus. The author gives various common views of Jesus, then presents the real Jesus. It really 'does what it says on the tin.' Easy to recommend.

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Original Jesus | Carl Laferton |
$7.99 $6.39