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Women and God (Spanish)

Women and God (Spanish)

Hard Questions, Beautiful Truth

Kathleen B. Nielson

What the Bible really says about women and why it is beautiful

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There is much discussion and confusion around the issues of gender equality and gender roles, and the church is not exempt. Some even believe that the Bible contributes to sexism against women and that God is, in some way, sexist.

In this warm, conversational and sympathetic book, Kathleen Nielson looks at what the Bible really says about women and what it reveals about God’s attitude towards them. She asks the hard questions about the Old Testament Law, the role of women in marriage and the role of women in the church, consistently pointing us to God’s word and his perfectly created order. Take a look at the issues here.

She not only provides Biblical reasoning in answer to these questions, but also shows how the truth can be enjoyed as women and men submit to the perfect will of our compassionate, merciful and gracious God.

Women and men of all backgrounds, views, and ages will find this a valuable book. Pastors and Elders will will find it useful as they work out how to faithfully lead a united worshiping community under the authority of Christ and in accordance with Scripture. It is also ideal for use in women's ministry as women seek to live and act according to God’s will.

"I was deeply helped by reading Women and God. It is a book written by a wise woman, and it does not shy away from hard, painful, complex issues." Ligon Duncan, Chancellor, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi

Product details


  • 1. Introduction
    2. How We Got Here
    3. Second Place?
    4. Fallen Women
    5. The Darkest Places
    6. Strong Women
    7. Women, Sex, and a Question of Double Standards
    8. Women's Bodies
    9. A Man Unlike Any Other
    10. Women and Marriage
    11. Women and the Church
    12. The Goodness of God


Contributors Kathleen B. Nielson
ISBN 9781950417100
Format Paperback
Dimensions 5.4" x 8.3" x 0.4"
Weight 8.04 oz
Case quantity 50
Language Spanish
Pages 208
Publisher Poiema Publicaciones

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