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Deeper Still

Finding Clear Minds and Full Hearts through Biblical Meditation

from 5 reviews

Finding clear minds and full hearts through biblical meditation.

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We live in a fast-paced world, and our minds are working in overdrive. Mindfulness promises a method of tuning out the voices for a few minutes to live in the moment. Biblical meditation offers something better: an opportunity to be transformed by God's voice of truth.

Psalm 1 says that the person who delights in God’s word and meditates on it day and night is like a “tree planted by streams of water”. Linda Allcock gives us a framework to help us slow down and dwell deeply on God’s word so that it clears our minds and fills our hearts, making a real difference to the way we live.

This book will help Christians who feel overwhelmed by their thought life, as well as those who want to go deeper in their devotional life.

Full of down-to-earth anecdotes and practical advice, this warm and accessible book is designed to help make biblical meditation part of your everyday life.

Product details


  • Section 1: Still Your Mind
    1. He, Not Me
    2. Source, Not steam
    3. Be, Not Do
    Section 2: Fill Your Heart
    4. Lord
    5. Look
    6. Turn
    7. Learn
    Section 3: Feed Day and Night
    8. Awakening Delight
    9. Growing Obedience
    10. Standing through Storms

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Contributors Linda Allcock
ISBN 9781784984472
Format Paperback
First published September 2020
Dimensions 5" x 7.8" x 0.5"
Weight 6.21 oz
Case quantity 80
Language English
Pages 160
Publisher The Good Book Company

Taylor Turkington

Director of Women’s Training Network for The Gospel Coalition

Linda Allcock has provided us with a great tool for Bible meditation! With humility and clarity, she teaches us how we can fill our hearts with Scripture and ask questions to help the truth saturate our souls. You will not set down this book pessimistic about another spiritual task to accomplish, but you will be encouraged, instructed, and pointed to the grace of the gospel, which permeates Linda’s chapters. I will be recommending this to many.

Adrian Reynolds

Head of National Ministries, FIEC UK

All of us could do with slowing down. That’s true for life in general and for our time in God’s word in particular. We all want to make progress with Jesus, of course, but paradoxically it is by going slower with his word that we will make the fastest progress with him. Linda’s book is a searching and timely call to meditate on God’s word, explaining clearly and carefully what that means and offering up a practical framework to do it well. She is honest about the struggles of finding time for the Scriptures but ambitious about the delight we can discover there. Don’t rush past this one.

Gabrielle Samuel

London City Mission missioner at Brixton Local Church (BLOC)

Linda has written a book that makes you want to put down her book and pick up your Bible—there’s not much higher praise to give than that. I laughed (out loud and publicly), paused, prayed, highlighted and jotted my way through this book. Linda warmly instils a sense of expectation and joy at the privilege of mediating on Gods word.

Independent reviews

"Full of encouragement and hope"

Bethany Davidson, Sept. 16, 2020

Deeper Still addresses the importance of dwelling on Scripture in the midst of daily life, and does so in a way that is accessible both to people like me and to those who are new to the concept.... continue reading


"a wonderful gift"

Catherine Brooks, Sept. 19, 2020

I do think this book is really accessible and not at all intimidating, so I’d also recommend it to younger Christians, even if they’ve never read the Bible on their own. In a way it would be perfect for them because it would start them off reading the Bible in a healthy way, rather than just thinking of it as a chore or something to tick off a list... continue reading

"warm, relational and heart-changing"

Elinor Magowan, Sept. 23, 2020

As I struggle with the restrictions in fellowship and church life during lockdown, I was refreshed and motivated to read my Bible more, to discover Christ in all the Scriptures, and to look forward to heaven and live a life that holds me fast... continue reading

Customer reviews

April 8, 2021

“Made me want to read my bible more”

This is a super little book that has left me wanting to read my bible more. I received it as a present and initially I wasn't sure about it because I don't see myself as someone who meditates. However as I read it, I realised that meditating on God's word is essential for spiritual growth. Linda writes in an accessible and encouraging way. I have since bought the book for everyone in my church small group and want to come back to it again myself.
It was also interesting to think about how biblical meditation is different to mindfulness but also where there are overlaps.

Feb. 25, 2021

“Beautifully researched & Written”

(Review written for 'Deeper Still (ebook)')

This book swells with the author's research and personal exploration of what it is to meditate on scripture. But it is not a heavy read. Linda writes deep truths with an engaging and light touch, her gentle wit weaving through the pages. Nor is it just a book to inform, as it regularly invites us to pause and respond to suggestions on how we can put into practice what we've been learning. Highly recommended.

Oct. 31, 2020

“Highly valuable teaching”

Once I started this book I was unable to put it down! It goes right to heart of why reading and meditating on God's word is so important and led me to consider and challenge all the excuses I make for not doing this regularly. Having addressed this, the book then goes on to give helpful, practical ways to meditate on Scripture, to focus on the truths of the Bible and to quieten/challenge all the voices in today's culture.
I would highly recommend to anyone who feels they have lost their way with regards to spending time in God's word but also to people who think they do not require help as there is always more to learn!

K Jones
Oct. 26, 2020

“Absolute gem of a book.”

(Review written for 'Deeper Still (ebook)')

I was stopped in my tracks, listening to a message. (Tozer). I had to throw my reading plan away (agony) and start meditating on a verse or paragraph. Lost. Then I read the review for this book, and it was the right book at the right time for me. I devoured it, so practical and easy to understand. The author did a great job in explaining how easy it is to skim read and therefore miss so much. So I have embarked on an entirely different plan, I am led to the passage, and I stay there and clean the bones of a verse. I explain it back to myself, and will ask questions. I engage pen and paper and really enjoy my new way of reading scripture. God speaks through the Word, I have to listen carefully. Feel his heartbeat, which I kept missing before. Tozer on meditation got my attention this book helped me put it into practice. No more rushed reading followed by indigestion but a choice three course meal. A gem of a book and I am so thankful. Enjoyable read and well written.

Sarah P
Sept. 1, 2020

“Great resource and teaching”

A short, refreshing book with ideas for the busy woman who wants to meditate on the Word more completely. The author teaches us why we need to meditate, but basically the book is full of practical aspects and strategies to meditate.

What I enjoyed most about this book is how practical it is, complete with questions to guide, examples of using those questions with two passages, and ideas to ponder so that you can set your mind on God, His son's redemptive plan, and the impact the Holy Spirit has in our hearts and minds when we CHOOSE to invite Him in.

It's a great teaching tool for an individual, a parent, or a small group to navigate through and improve or learn how to focus on God's Word. I highly recommend it.

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Deeper Still | Linda Allcock |
$15.99 $13.59