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How can I be sure?

and other questions about doubt, assurance and the Bible

from 1 review

A short, readable book that explains clearly and simply what the Bible says about doubt and assurance

Part of the Questions Christians Ask series.

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Many Christians experience times of doubt and uncertainty. At various times we can ask: Does God love me? Am I really a Christian? - and even: Is there a God at all?!

This short, readable book unpacks the difference between good and bad doubt, shows us where it comes from and how to deal with it in ourselves and others.

It explains clearly and simply the liberating reality of what the Bible tells us about doubt, assurance and the Christian life.

Product details


  • Introduction: The many faces of doubt
    1. What is doubt?
    2. Why is doubt dangerous?
    3. What do I have to believe to be a Christian?
    4. How can I overcome doubt as a Christian?
    5. How can I develop a confident faith?
    Conclusion: Living with faith and doubt

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Contributors John Stevens
ISBN 9781909559158
Format Paperback
First published July 2014
Dimensions 4.3" x 7" x 0.3"
Weight 3.14 oz
Case quantity 80
Language English
Pages 96
Publisher The Good Book Company

Barry Cooper

Associate Teaching Pastor, Christ Community Church, Daytona, FL; author, Can I Really Trust the Bible?

John writes with customary care and clarity about an often-neglected subject. I hope this pocket-sized anatomy of doubt will be a great reassurance to many.

Marcus Honeysett

Director of Living Leadership and author of Finding Joy and Meltdown

All Christians struggle with doubt from time to time. The Devil uses it to deprive us of our joy and to stop us serving Jesus wholeheartedly. This is an extremely practical little book that is great to read before doubts come, if you find yourself in the middle of them or if you want to help someone else who is struggling. Highly recommended

Martin Salter

Grace Community Church Bedford and editor of Foundation

Practical, pastoral, and rooted in Christ's work on the cross, and the Spirit's witness in our lives, this book lifts our eyes away from our own shortcomings, and up to what Christ has done for us and in us.

Independent reviews

How can I be sure?

Dave McDonald, Macarisms, Oct. 9, 2014

Definitely one that I will be recommending to others. It’s clear and simple, without being simplistic; it’s empathic and it uses the Bible well. The author understands that doubt is a complex beast, displayed in a variety of forms, and arising from many different causes.... continue reading

Customer reviews

Oct. 13, 2016

“A "must have" on its subject!”

Love It! Thought provoking quotes, helpful scenarios and answers the question.

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How can I be sure? | John Stevens |
$7.99 $6.79